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GLview Extensions Viewer


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Find useful information about the current OpenGL 3D accelerators

RealTech VR |
updated on April 11, 2024
26.5mb | free


Extract useful information about OpenGL extensions
Support for Vulkan and DirectX alongside OpenGL
Option to run manual tests


More suitable for people who understand the technical details of graphics hardware
GLview Extensions Viewer
Price: $
The GLView Extensions Viewer by Realtech VR is a popular program designed to display all the useful information that you would need about the current OpenGL 3D accelerator. When it comes to graphical hardware, developers need to know and understand the OpenGL capabilities of the hardware as well as which OpenGL features and extensions it can support. The most important and commonly required information is the OpenGL version, renderer details, and supported shader versions.

Why do you need the GLView Extensions Viewer?

Well if you want to talk in simple terms, the GLView Extensions Viewer is used to extract the most important information about the abilities of the OpenGL being used. OpenGL is the most popular graphics API. Here is why the GLView Extensions Viewer is useful:
  1. To understand hardware support: When it comes to graphics hardware such as graphical processing units (GPU), there is different support for each model.
  2. To check compatibility: When it comes to graphic-intensive applications, or especially games, it is important to test them on different graphics hardware to understand how well it is working.
  3. To optimize: As a developer, when you understand the capabilities and compatibility of your graphics hardware, you can then optimize in the best possible way to generate the best performance.
  4. To debug and troubleshoot: Sometimes applications or games can crash due to hardware limitations or issues. In such scenarios, GLView Extensions Viewer comes in handy and debugs/troubleshoots the issues.

Test your graphics hardware

One of the best options within the GLView Extensions Viewer is the feature to test your hardware. You can manually run tests to determine the performance of your graphics renderer by the feature within the Extensions Viewer. When you are running an application or a game, you can turn on the option to render tests, and then check out the results.

If it lags or if there is any slowing down, you can then lower the resolution to find a better optimization for your application.

Support and compatibility

Now we have talked about how you can find out more about which APIs your graphic hardware supports. GLView Extensions Viewer provides you with all the useful information such as Vendor name, Renderer, Version, Shading language version, and ES compatibility version. Further, there are more details like Implementation specifics, extension details, and GL Extensions such as AMD, Nvidia, ARB, and many more.

Alongside OpenGL, it also has support for detecting Vulkan, and DirectX. It can provide you with all the information you require for them.


The GLView Extensions Viewer is a free software developed by RealTech VR that is used to extract all the useful information for OpenGL extensions. If you are a developer who works with graphics, then this application is a must for you.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• Windows 11/10/8/7 Intel 64-bit

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages



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